Prophet Dr. Ezra Aniebue I The APN Founder
In Genesis 4, the LORD asked Cain a very profound question: Cain, where is your brother? Cain then, gave an answer that reflects the attitude of many successful Christians around the world. Cain answered to GOD, am I my brother’s keeper? In today’s language, Cain would have said, I don’t care and I am not interested. Don’t disturb me with anybody’s need.

Unfortunately, this same attitude is still prevalent in the lives of many successful Christians around the world. You live in prosperity and lavish wealth, while many of your brothers and sisters are going without in many parts of the world.

If the LORD is touching your heart to help needy pastors in Africa, please join Christian Friends of Africa and make your donations using this secure site. GOD bless you as you answer yes, I am my brothers keeper.


Sponsor an African Church In Need

Sponsor an African Pastor

Sponsor an African missionary to the rural areas

Support the Scholarship Fund

Provide Food to Poor Communities

Support Africa widows

Provide water for an African Village

Provide free Bibles

Provide medical treatment

Tithes/Offerings to Dr. Ezra Aniebue

Buy a bus for an African Church

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